Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Students

The majority of the time my students act like the devil’s personal minions of torture but once in a while they do something that makes me chuckle. A few weeks ago I was lecturing to my freshmen about the Mughal Empire in India. One of the greatest Mughal Empire leaders was Akbar. He was known for his religious tolerance. In fact, he invented his own religion, a combination of Hindu, Islam and Christianity. I gave the students an assignment to create their own personal religions based on some values and ideals that were really important to them. What would your religion be called? What are some of your beliefs and rituals? This is what they came up with…word for word.

“My religion would be called Marlianism because we would worship Bob Marley. Instead of Father we would call him Uncle Bob. Smoking marijuana would be optional.”

“God would be called ‘The Great.’ The followers are called ‘The Greaters.’ The book of this religion would be called ‘The Holy Book of the Great.’ This book would have some rules that must be followed in order to be a good Greater.”

“In my religion there would exist at least two or three holy books. The first I would call ‘The Book of Life,’ the second would be ‘How to Survive with Big Mistakes’ and the third, ‘How to Die in Peace.’

I know you’re thinking: “Where do I get my hands on those holy books, especially, ‘How to Survive with Big Mistakes.’” I asked my student and it turns out that publication is indefinitely delayed due to a hold up in the editing department and apparently there’s a disclaimer on the front page of ‘How to Die in Peace’ that says if you have kids, if you rely on the U.S. dollar or if you are a Republican…too bad, you’re SOL. (he he he...just kidding!)

Below are some pictures of my freshmen at the Renaissance Fair. For my class they had to choose one famous Renaissance person to study and then create an information booth with activities meant to teach others about the impact their person made.

Despite the rotten students, some days this job can be very rewarding.


Doesn´t Jay make a handsome Copernicus?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Does Anyone Else Hear Wedding Bells?

Last week we enjoyed a romantic and relaxing weekend in Canoa, a small beach town about 12 hours south of Quito. This small town has only a few main streets which are made of sand...perfect for exploring the town barefoot (except at high noon when you were likely to burn your feet!) Every day we went swimming or body boarding twice because the waves were so perfect. Our favorite activities including watching the ocean while we swung in the hammocks on our porch at the hostel and eating delicious selections of frech seafood. Every night we watched the sunset reflected in the waves. On Wednesday, while we were enjoying the last rays of twilight and the first stars hovering above, Jenny proposed to Jay... and he said yes. It´s official! Jenny gave Jay a silver ring engraved on the inside with "Mi vida, mi amor, para siempre" which means "My life, my love, forever." We are planning on getting married in August 2009 in Oregon. We´re so happy and excited to share this special news with you, our family and friends.

Our official engagement photo:

Hugs and Kisses to all. xoxoxoxoxoox
-JBird and JRo

Woo Hoo No School!

Apparently the rainy season this year has been worse than normal. Landslides abound especially in our neighborhood which rests on a steep hill. Despite a 2 week vacation we just finished, school is cancelled today and tomorrow because of this monstrosity:

This sink hole is 20 meters wide, 50 meters deep and strategically placed on a main road which prevents our students from arriving at school. Darn.