Monday, October 29, 2007

A little off the top...

Urgent Alert

We are sending out this all points bulletin to inform you that a crazy Bolivian haristylist is on the loose. She is most definitely armed (with scissors and perhaps a razor) and dangerous. She was last seen in La Paz giving a trim to this innocent and unsuspecting man.

Her true malicious intent was revealed when she handed this man the following magazine and cruelly asked him to choose the method of torture she would bestow upon him. (See Evidence) Her victims are easily identified by their mullets and odd coifed do´s. She has left a trail of destruction and hair clippings. If you see her you are strongly advised to run away.

Evidence 1

Evidence 2

Evidence 3

Evidence 4

Monday, October 22, 2007


Hello Friends!
We have uploaded some videos of our adventures to You Tube. So far there are two of amazing Iguazu and one featuring a freezing bus station at 6am, but we will add more soon. To check them out, go to and search for JBird and JRo.
Happy Viewing and Happy Monday!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mitad del Mundo

It has been WAY too long since we´ve posted....our apologies. The last few weeks have been filled with teaching, interviewing, working off all those exotic meals at the gym and generally settling in. Not much to say about all that....our students are mostly hellions, Jen still doesn´t have a full time job and we look adorable in our matching swim caps. We did spend one weekend exploring the Spanish equator (they mismarked it when they arrived), not to be confused with the actual equator which was "calculated using GPS" as we were constantly reminded. At the mini museum on the GPS equator you can do all sorts of fun experiments like balance an egg on a nail point, watch water flow down a sink clockwise and counter clockwise and walk through an invisible door into a third dimension where the people have arms where their legs should be and legs where their arms should be. The equator is cool. We will work on updating more soon...maybe even some videos!


Jen and Jay